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Thank you for your interest in providing leadership in a Converge congregation!

When you enter the Converge Placement Network you will:

  1. Pre-qualify by acknowledging your agreement with Converge’s statement of faith and other affirming statements ensuring a good doctrinal fit.

  2. Create an individual account on the MinistryMatch site and pay a fee of $50 which includes:

    • MinistryMatch Assessment™

    • Candidate Application™

    • Eligibility for consideration by every Converge church in your preferred regions utilizing the CPN process to seek a new lead pastor.

  3. Follow clear steps through the rest of the online process to complete both the MinistryMatch Assessment™ and Candidate Application™.

  4. Participate in an intake interview with district personnel if/when you become a top candidate.

  5. Have the opportunity to say, “Yes,” or “No” to each church that shows interest in you.


Please read through the following Converge foundational documents and affirm your agreement with each. There is no need to go further if you are not comfortable with these statements of faith, theology and practice.

Click each link and read each statement. Finally, check each box to agree.

The documents will open in a separate window/tab. Return to this window/tab after reading each statement.


A movement of churches working to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. We do this by starting and strengthening churches together worldwide. For over 165 years we’ve helped churches bring life change to communities in the U.S. and around the world through church planting and multiplication, leadership training and coaching and global missions. 

Converge Placement Network


924 Busse Hwy
Park Ridge, IL 60068

Copyright © 2019 Converge Placement Network. All rights reserved. 

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